diff -urP mkws/4.0.14/mkws/README mkws/4.0.15/mkws/README
--- mkws/4.0.14/mkws/README	Tue Sep 14 22:00:12 2021
+++ mkws/4.0.15/mkws/README	Tue Oct  5 23:08:56 2021
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 ## Requirements
-We provide binaries for [Linux](https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.14.tgz),
-or [OpenBSD](mkws-openbsd@4.0.14.tgz). It can also run on
+We provide binaries for [Linux](https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.15.tgz),
+or [OpenBSD](mkws-openbsd@4.0.15.tgz). It can also run on
 [Windows](https://www.microsoft.com/windows) via the
 [Windows Subsystem for Linux](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10)
 for other UNIX like operating systems, you
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
 ## Install `mkws`
 On a Linux machine, just download the archive from
-[https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.14.tgz](https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.14.tgz) or in
+[https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.15.tgz](https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.15.tgz) or in
 the terminal, assuming `curl` is installed, type:
-	curl -so - https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.14.tgz | tar -xzvf -
+	curl -so - https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.15.tgz | tar -xzvf -
 On macOS, the command would be:
-	curl -so - https://mkws.sh/mkws-darwin@4.0.14.tgz | tar -xzvf -
+	curl -so - https://mkws.sh/mkws-darwin@4.0.15.tgz | tar -xzvf -
 ## Generate the Static Site
@@ -173,6 +173,187 @@
 	<meta charset=UTF-8>
 	<meta name=viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>
+## How to customize `mkws`
+Customization is done by editing the template (`*.upp*`) files in your
+`mkws` project, the ones you create yourself in the `.` directory,
+the themes files in `./share`, `./share/l.upphtml`, `./share/s.uppcss`
+and `./share/sitemap.uppxml`, and the main generating script in
+`./bin/mkws`. You can also install additional utilities in the `./bin`
+directory to enable new functionality.
+Below are a few solutions to common problems.
+### How to output in a separate directory
+A common practice static site generators use is to output the generated
+files in a separate directory, like `out` or `public`. `mkws` is designed
+to output its files in the current directory, along with the sources,
+it does hoewever have an option to specify to source path. So to
+output in a different directory than the sources one, you could do in
+your `.` directory:
+	mkdir htdocs
+	cd htdocs
+	../bin/mkws https://example.com ../
+However, we do recommend distributing the `.upp*` files so other can
+people can read and learn from your code, like
+[https://mkws.sh](https://mkws.sh) does at the bottom of the page.
+### How to preview your website
+Some static site generators usually come bundled with an `HTTP` server,
+so you can run something like:
+	ssg -p 8080
+and preview your site. `mkws` doesn't include a server by default,
+you can use any server you prefer, however we do provide the sources to
+a small server in Go: [https.go](https://mkws.sh/https/https.go).
+To install, in your web site's directory, do:
+	curl -so https.go https://mkws.sh/https/https.go
+	go build -o bin/https https.go
+	./bin/https
+Open []( in your browser to
+preview your website.
+The server runs on port `9000` by default and uses the current directory
+as its root directory. It outputs a log to `stdout` in [Common Log Format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Log_Format).
+### How to live reload
+A nice feature when developing a web site, is to have the static site
+generator run whenever a source files has changed and reload the
+current page in the browser.
+Assuming you installed our web server following the previous
+instructions, the recommended way to do this with `mkws` is to either
+install or compile [entr](https://eradman.com/entrproject/), get
+[live.js](https://livejs.com/), in your web site's directory, do:
+	curl -so l.js https://livejs.com/live.js
+Edit `share/l.upphtml` by adding:
+	#!
+	if test "$DEV" -eq 1
+	then
+	#!
+	<script src=/l.js></script>
+	#!
+	fi
+	#!
+above the closing `</body>` tag.
+	cat <<EOF > bin/d
+		#!/bin/sh -e
+		export DEV=${DEV:-1}
+		./bin/https &
+		(
+		echo ./bin/mkws
+		find . -type f -name '*.upp*'
+		) | entr sh -c 'bin/mkws https://example.com'
+	chmod +x bin/d
+Run the development script:
+	./bin/d
+And open []( in your browser.
+### How to add a navigation menu
+In order to add a navigation menu to your website, all you have to do
+is edit the `./share/l.upphtml` file and add your navigation code there.
+Open up `./share/l.upphtml` in your favorite text editor and add the
+following lines right below the `body` tag:
+        <header>
+            <nav>
+                    <ul>
+                            <li><a href=/>Home</a></li>
+                            <li><a href=docs.html>Docs</a></li>
+                            <li><a href=src.html>Sources</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+            </nav>
+        </header>
+Edit to match your website.
+Then, regenerate your site using the `mkws` command:
+        ./bin/mkws https://example.com
+### How to add custom titles (or `meta` tags) for each page
+As you can see, using `./share/l.upphtml` to generate all our pages,
+means we have only one `title` tag for each page, hence all of our
+generated pages will have the same title. If we would prefer specific
+titles for each page, we would have to edit `./share/l.upphtml` like in
+the following example:
+	<head>
+	#!
+	case "$1" in
+	./index.upphtml)
+	#!
+	<title>My Website</title>
+	<meta name=description content='Latest news about my website'>
+	#!
+	;;
+	./docs.upphtml)
+	#!
+	<title>Documentation</title>
+	<meta name=description content='Documentation for my website'>
+	#!
+	;;
+	./src.upphtml)
+	#!
+	<title>Sources</title>
+	<meta name=description content='Sources for my website'>
+	#!
+	;;
+	esac
+	#!
+	</head>
+Edit to match your website.
+Then, regenerate your site using the `mkws` command:
+	./bin/mkws https://example.com
+### How to render `Markdown`
+Rendering `Markdown` is not at hard at all. Our favorite CLI tool for
+rendering `Markdown` is [`smu`](https://github.com/Gottox/smu). You'll
+have to download it and install it on your system either via source or
+your operating systems's package manager. In order to use it, just add:
+	#!
+		smu <file>
+	#!
+to any of your `*.upphtml` files or create a new `*.upphtml` files
+containing just the above code. Other `Markdown` renderders include
+Future versions of `mkws` may allow rendering `Markdown` directly from
+source, without creating an extra `*.upphtml` file.
 ## File Hierarchy
 A typical `mkws` project has the following file structure:
@@ -253,8 +434,8 @@
     * `./share/man`
       `man` pages
-    * `./share/s.upcss`
+    * `./share/s.uppcss`
       `CSS` template. It's also processed via
       [`pp`](https://mkws.sh/pp.html) so it's scriptable via `sh` code.
     * `./share/sitemap.uppxml`
-      `sitemap.xml` template.
+`sitemap.xml` template.